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Sunday, April 12, 2009

5 Beach Pics - Celebrating 1 year of Blogging!

Yay! It's been a year since this blog's been up! *dances madly*

From Sketches, to Tech posts, to Photos, it's surely been lot of fun to blog! (And I hope it was fun to read the blog too!) :D

I wanted to go the conventional way and list down the "most popular posts" and blah blah, but I'm sure you aren't so lazy that you won't click the above links. :D
So instead, I decided to pick a few of my favorite pics clicked on a recent Beach trip to Majorda (Goa).

So here are 5 Beach pics to celebrate 1 year of Blogging @ Irrashonally Urs! :D

It's hard to get someone to pose for you when you go for a fun trip ("Stop clicking Photos re.. Let's go in water!"). But I was lucky to spot one of my seniors jumping around and got this shot!
PS: Check the feet's reflection!

A conventional Beach Pic, but I like the Sun's reflection, so decided to share it.

Let's take a walk till this world ends...
I love the straight coastline of this beach. And the trail left by a horse (I think) adds more meaning to the shot! :)

Random pic of the slippers we used for the "Goal posts" while playing football (or futsal?) on the beach. Loved the hue! :)

The Giant River!
Err.. well, it isn't a river. Nor is that edge of a huge mountain range or something. It's just a foot wide stream of water flowing into the sea and I held my cam just above the stream to get the effect :D

Hope you enjoyed this and all other posts on my blog! Don't forget to comment about what type of posts you like, so I can focus on them more!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sketch: Thanks!

I found another sketch I made during the vacations which I had forgotten about. One of my friend's mother wanted a sketch done on "Interpersonal Relationships", mainly related to Child-Parent relationship. So after looking online for a few references, I made this:

"Thanks" - To all the lovely parents out there!

First time I sketched for someone I didn't know personally! :D
My friend later called up and told that his mom really liked it. Yay!

So how's it? Any comments/suggestions? Would love to hear from you!

PS: As always, you can check out my other sketches here! And don't forget to subscribe!

PPS: Sorry for the sudden lack of Tech posts. It's going to be worth the wait! ;)